A slot is a position on a team that requires a special combination of speed and twitchiness. The best slot receivers run a lot of slant, switch and cross routes that require them to juke linebackers to make plays. They also play a ton of short-yardage situations where they need to beat the linebacker for yardage.
A slot machine accepts cash or, in “ticket-in, ticket-out” machines, paper tickets with a barcode that are exchanged for credits based on a payout schedule displayed on the machine. The machine is activated by a lever or button (physical or on a touchscreen) that when pushed causes the reels to spin and if symbols match the payout schedule, credits are awarded.
In standard time series slots, a single value is reported for each timestep. A timestep can be viewed by scrolling across the row of the slot display field. A row can be sorted by date or timestep using the icon next to the column title. Integer indexed slots, which are only available in Iterative MRM mode, use an integer number instead of a timestep as the base for each value.
When a slot is selected, the Slot Viewer displays information on the selection including the name of the slot and its unit definition. Additionally, if a slot was solved for or set as the result of a rule in a Rule-Based simulation, its Priority is also shown. Finally, if the option to Compress Repeated Values is enabled, editing a repeated slot will edit all compressed values. If the same number appears in multiple slots, a comparison is made between the internal stored numbers to determine if they are equal. If they are not, the slot is reset.